Mini-Symposium on Landmarking for survival analysis

Centre for Statistical Methodology Mini-Symposium

Landmarking for survival analysis: theory, application and future directions


Friday 18th January 2019, 2-4.30pm

Manson Lecture Theatre, Keppel Street


The Centre is delighted to welcome Professors Hans van Houwelingen and Hein Putter from Leiden University for a special seminar on the “landmarking” method. Landmarking was proposed by Van Houwelingen as a method for dynamic prediction of survival in a 2007 paper (Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 2007; 34: 70-85). This was followed by a number of further developments in collaboration with Putter, including as a method for multistate modelling. Their book Dynamic Prediction in Clinical Survival Analysis was published in 2012 (CRC Press). Van Houwelingen and Putter will give a joint seminar on some new developments in landmarking. After a break, this will be followed by three short talks on real data applications of landmarking in cardiovascular disease and cystic fibrosis, including comparisons with alternative approaches (joint modelling) and extensions to incorporate machine learning techniques. The afternoon will conclude with time for discussion.


Professor Hans van Houwelingen and Professor Hein Putter  (University of Leiden)

Dynamic prediction with time-dependent covariates (biomarkers): improving landmarking by modeling the covariate process.



Coffee break (LSHTM bar area)



Dr Angela Wood (University of Cambridge), Dr Ruth Keogh (LSHTM), Kamaryn Tanner (LSHTM)

There will be three short talks (~15 minutes) on applications of landmarking and some additional new developments, including examples in cardiovascular disease using electronic health record data, and in cystic fibrosis using patient registry data.


CSM Seminars are open to all, free to attend and do not require registration.
External attendees, please just come to Keppel Street Reception and sign in.