What we do

The LINK programme aims to improve the availability and use of health information to guide malaria control in endemic countries. To this end, LINK will build and support the use of malaria profiles to provide new insights into malaria and to enhance the sustainability of evidence-informed decision making for better malaria control in sub-Saharan Africa.
LINK aims to generate detailed epidemiological profiles of malaria in 13 countries over four years, to assist national, sub-regional and regional decision makers improve their evidence-based decision making and to support the development of sustainable frameworks and capacity to update the profiles in future.
From the outset we have been building a broad series of partnerships, working with the World Health Organization's Africa Regional Office (AFRO) and the Global Malaria Program, and with the Roll Back Malaria (RBM) partnership's sub-regional networks and harmonization working group.
The following general approach is used in each country:
1. Engagement at country level.
2. Identification, archiving and geo-coding of data.
3. Data modelling, testing and map display.
4. Report narratives and databases.
The KEMRI-Wellcome team ensures that data are adequately documented and prepared for hand over to the assigned curator(s) at the national level, so that it can be uploaded to the national database and updated to facilitate the production of subsequent malaria profiles.