Country profiles

Where LINK works

LINK works in 13 countries across sub-Saharan Africa. Our project focuses on the countries which carry more than 60% of the burden of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa.

Statistics on country profile pages

The population figures (from World Bank) are provided for the year prevalence risk was predicted and population at risk figures are estimates.  The different categories of transmission intensity are standardised throughout the country profiles:

  • low stable endemic control: PfPR2-10 <1% (pre-elimination transitional phase) 
  • hypoendemic 1 — PfPR2-10 1% - <5% 
  • hypoendemic 2 — PfPR2-10 1% - <10% 
  • mesoendemic — PfPR2-10 10% - 50% 
  • hyperendemic — PfPR2-10  >50% - 74% 
  • holoendemic — PfPR2-10  ≥75%