27 September 2018

LINK symposium
LINK is holding a symposium entitled “Data for targeted malaria control interventions - are we there yet?” at The Royal Society on 27 September 2018. Everyone is welcome.
The Royal Society
25-8 September 2018

Evidence 2018
EVIDENCE 2018 is a Regional Conference, organised by the Africa Evidence Network (AEN). LINK will be presenting at the conference.
CSIR International Convention Centre, Pretoria, South Africa
25-8 September 2018

Evidence 2018
EVIDENCE 2018 is a regional conference organised by the Africa Evidence Network which takes place from 25-28 September 2018 in Pretoria, South Africa.
LINK will be doing a presentation on map use in strategic malaria documents.
Pretoria, South Africa
25-6 September 2018
Workshop: Using data and evidence to inform national malaria control - sharing findings from the evaluation
LINK is holding a 2-day workshop: Using data and evidence to inform national malaria control - sharing findings from the evaluation
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
10-11 April 2018

Malaria Centre Retreat 2018
The annual London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Malaria Centre retreat takes place 10-11 April 2018.
Clare College, Cambridge
6-7 April 2017
Malaria Centre Retreat
Somerville College, Oxford, UK
23-4 March 2017
DHIS 2 symposium
FHI 360 Conference Center, Washington DC, US