13 Jun 2017

Nigeria mid-term dialogue meetings take place

A series of meetings took place with the National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP), Federal Ministry of Health and WHO-AFRO in Abuja, Nigeria from 6-9 June 2017. These meetings formed the mid-term engagement part of the project with Nigeria.

A team from LINK met with staff from the NMEP, WHO-AFRO and other organisations including USAID, President's Malaria Initiative (PMI), Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), Catholic Relief Services and Association for Reproductive and Family Health.

The first morning involved an update from WHO-AFRO on the collection, collation and plans around the use of malaria data in Nigeria and how LINK 's work fit into this.  

A technical meeting then followed providing an update on the progress on the project and discussions around malaria data -  the methods and modelling used and data covered in the maps. The components and structure of the epidemiological profile were discussed on day 2 to ensure  it met the requirements of the NMEP and included all the most relevant and up-to-date details.

Another session looked at the other LINK products - the timeline and malaria indicator poster to ensure all the information is accurate and useful.

Day 2 involved a decision-maker engagement workshop with the representatives from the NMEP. This involved various activities such as World Cafe investigating the process of and barriers to decision-making.  All this was in the context of using malaria data and decision-making in NMEP.