Monitoring & Evaluation
SHARE’s monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) approach was grounded in its Theory of Change, logical framework and MEL strategy. The SHARE logframe monitored four different outputs: research, research uptake, capacity development and consortium management.
SHARE used outcome mapping as an approach to plan, monitor and evaluate our research uptake activities. Outcome mapping (OM) is a participatory, actor-focused methodology which defines the changes we want to see and the steps we will take to contribute towards that change. SHARE’s outcome mapping learning paper has more information about how we used OM.
SHARE also used a quarterly monitoring and reporting process to collect data against our capacity development, research and management targets. The information collected through these tools was used for ongoing decision making, progress reviews and programme improvement.
SHARE aims to be transparent and accountable through sharing our M&E approach and our progress in our annual reports. SHARE’s impact paper defines what we mean by impact and how we monitored it. SHARE also developed several Stories of Change which use rich qualitative information to describe a particular area of change.