Introducing Our New Policy Research Manager

15 Jun 2016

SHARE is delighted to welcome Erin Flynn as our new Policy Research Manager. Erin joined us in March to cover Joanna’s maternity leave and will be with us until January 2017. We asked Erin to tell us a little more about herself and her hopes for the role.

Tell us a little bit about yourself

For the past four years I’ve been working at WaterAid UK as Research Manager in the International Programme Department. Prior to moving to the UK, I lived and worked in Hungary and Cambodia on a range of public health projects, including malaria prevention, migrant health, and child health. Before completing a Masters in Public Health, I practised as a registered nurse in intensive care.

What attracted you to this role?

Working at WaterAid I’ve always been aware of SHARE’s work and their incredible contribution to knowledge in the sector. I was excited about the opportunity to be a part of this as the team kicks off Phase II. I was particularly interested in SHARE’s new focus areas: WASH and complementary food hygiene, WASH and nutrition; WASH and routine immunisation, and pro-poor urban sanitation. I’m passionate about research uptake and the use of evidence in international development, which is a fundamental component of SHARE and the Policy Research Manager’s role.

What are you most looking forward to about working at SHARE?

I am looking forward to working with SHARE’s partner institutions and colleagues in LSHTM’s Environmental Health Group. I’m interested in learning more about our Phase II studies and working with partners to share their research in national and international fora. SHARE provides me with a great opportunity to learn more about different research methods and designing sanitation and hygiene behaviour change interventions.

What will you be working on for the next few months?

I will be preparing for our Consortium Advisory Group meeting in Tanzania where I will get the opportunity to meet all our partners and discuss research and research uptake plans for the next year. I will also be writing a number of policy briefs that draw on evidence from SHARE Phase I and emerging findings from Phase II. Later in the year I will be supporting partners to disseminate their research at sector convening events such as Stockholm World Water Week and the UNC Water and Health Conference.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

At this time of year, I enjoy exploring some of London’s parks and going for a dip in the Hampstead Heath ponds. A few years back I started competing in triathlons, only one a year, but I enjoy the challenge. When I’m at home I enjoy trying my hand at sewing and love to cook. This summer I’m looking forward to a few European seaside holidays.


SHARE contributes to achieving universal access to effective, sustainable and equitable sanitation and hygiene by generating evidence to improve policy and practice worldwide.