MHM Absorbents in Malawi

Sally Piper Pillitter
In Malawi, women and girls have limited access to safe, convenient and affordable MHM absorbent methods. This project will provide a situational analysis to assess the status of MHM and the success of absorbent interventions in communities and schools in Malawi. The project will consist of two phases. First, a series of literature reviews will be conducted on MHM absorbents in Malawi, relevent interventions, and the availability and appropriateness of WASH facilities for MHM. Second, a qualitative research component will commence to gain insight into women and girls' perceptions about the success of MHM absorbent materials, and to assess their access to clean WASH facilities for MHM and how these conditions influence the appropriate use of absorbents. The latter component will include in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and key informant interviews with women and girls, and NGOs and agencies involved in MHM absorbent interventions.