Annual Report 2013-2014
This report provides a comprehensive overview of SHARE's work from August 2013 to July 2014.
As SHARE assesses its progress over the past four years, its development can be plotted several ways; through the key funding areas of research, RIU and capacity building (inception and Call A); the four ‘pillars’ or knowledge areas of health, equity and gender, urban sanitation, and sanitation markets (Call B); the collaborative thematic projects of Call C, and the country platforms, where all of the above has been taken and developed through national sector priorities in a collaborative environment.
As the strategic themes have developed, SHARE’s research and applied research have continued to champion neglected areas within the sector, taking on responsibility for connecting individuals and institutions across boundaries, and working towards sustainable and integrated approaches driven by the needs of the poor and disadvantaged. This report will show the progress that has been made within this framework, and the challenges faced in working towards an increase in knowledge and sustainable improvement in WASH, and the development of stable platforms within Bangladesh, India, Malawi and Tanzania to continue this progress.
The report was submitted to DFID in July 2014.