WASH & CLEAN Toolkit

The WASH & CLEAN Toolkit is a free set of tools developed as part of a SHARE and WSSCC-funded study of the same name. The tools are to be used to perform a situation analysis of the state of hygiene (outcomes) on the maternity unit, as measured by visual cleanliness and the presence of potential pathogens, and individual and contextual/systems level determinants. They can be used as part of an internal audit process, as part of a continuous improvement cycle, or as part of a wider research study.

Application of the tools is to be undertaken by health facility IPC Committees (or equivalent), researchers, or external agencies as commissioned for the purpose. The data gathered by the tools is for use by health facility senior management, district and regional health management teams, policy makers, and research institute(s). The data can be used to identify priority areas and inform intervention, provide indicators to support performance, and information to inform policy.


SHARE contributes to achieving universal access to effective, sustainable and equitable sanitation and hygiene by generating evidence to improve policy and practice worldwide.