SHARE Research Featured in ICAI Reviews

We are delighted to report that SHARE research has been featured in not one, but two, reviews published by the Independent Commission for Aid Impact (ICAI) this month.
What does ICAI do?
ICAI is an independent body that scrutinises UK aid spending. It works to ensure that UK aid is spent effectively, for those who need it most, and delivers value for UK taxpayers. To achieve this, it undertakes a range of independent reviews, the most recent of which have assessed DFID’s Efforts to Eliminate VAWG and DFID’s Results in WASH.
Assessing learning on VAWG
- Aim: explore how well DFID has translated ambitious policy commitments into effective programmes with the potential to make a real difference, as well as its efforts to encourage others – both nationally and internationally – to tackle VAWG.
- Conclusion: UK aid has made a significant contribution to tackling VAWG, building the evidence base and demonstrating strong global policy leadership. It recommends that DFID integrates and scales up its programmatic work to address the extent of the challenge and achieve transformative impact.
Assessing WASH impact
- Aim: identify whether DFID had reached the 62.9 million people it claimed with WASH between 2011 and 2015, and explore whether DFID programmes were doing all they could to maximise impact and VfM.
- Conclusion: UK aid has made a significant contribution to improving WASH access in low-income countries for the 62.9 million people reported, but more needs to be done to ensure the sustainability of these programmes/interventions, to deliver VfM, and to target vulnerable people and hard-to-reach communities.
SHARE research referenced
There were several mentions of SHARE and/or our research in both these reviews. Our Violence, Gender & WASH Practitioners' Toolkit was cited as an example of effective evidence translation for increased accessibility (p.18, VAWG review) which illustrates the growing recognition of the importance the WASH sector plays in tackling issues of gender and vulnerability to violence in relation to its work (p.18, WASH review). Likewise, the consortium was mentioned as an example of DFID’s endeavours to generate knowledge and facilitate learning to strengthen their WASH portfolio (p.26, WASH review).