Meet our SHARE phase 3 researchers

Now that the third phase of SHARE is up and running, we’d like to introduce the researchers working on the SHARE projects at our partner institutions in Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia and Kenya. Find out more about the researchers and which projects they work on below:
Kondwani Chidziwisano – Integrating WASH and food hygiene in Malawi
Kondwani holds a diploma, BSc and MSc in Environmental Health. He has previously worked as an Environmental Health Officer for the Malawian government and as a WASH specialist for the NGO World Vision International. He joined the Malawi Polytechnic as a Lecturer and became involved SHARE during its second phase in 2015. He is now working towards his PhD on the SHARE funded food hygiene and WASH project in Malawi.
Revocatus Lazaro Machunda – Cities of Tomorrow
Dr. Revocatus Lazaro Machunda is currently working as a senior Lecturer and Dean, School of Materials, Energy, Water and Environmental Sciences at the Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology (NM-AIST), Tanzania. He did his BSc majoring in Chemistry and Applied Microbiology and MSc in Environmental Sciences (major in Biogas production) at the University of Dar es Salaam. He later did his PhD in Environmental Science (Majoring in Electrochemistry and Catalysis) at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology in South Korea. His current research interests are on: Defluoridation of Water Supplies, Sanitation and Biogas production.
Jenala Chipungu – San-Dem
Jenala is a Social Behavioural Science Research Fellow at the Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ). She holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Development Studies from the University of Zambia and a Master Degree in Public Health from the University of Liverpool. She was brought on board as a SHARE Fellow in 2016 to co-lead the Sanitation Demand project. She is currently working on the design of a behavioural intervention for the prevention of cholera, a project that will inform strategic direction for the behavioural component of the Zambia National Cholera Elimination plan. Other areas of research include hypertension, sexual reproductive health and HIV research. Her 9-year journey in CIDRZ to date has been one of tremendous growth as a social behavioural scientist! Aside from all this "research stuff," Jenala loves a good movie along with a large bowl of popcorn.
Sheillah Simiyu – Safe Start
Sheillah joined Stellenbosch University in 2013 to commence her SHARE-funded PhD on urban sanitation. An experienced evaluation specialist and researcher in the public health, WASH and nutrition sectors, she also holds a Masters in Public Health and a degree in Environmental studies from Kenyatta University, Kenya. Prior to commencing her PhD, Sheillah was a lecturer in Kenyatta University’s Public Health Department, and had previously worked in various organisations including the African Medical Research Foundation, World Vision, Compassion International and Action Against Hunger.
Elialilia Okello – Mikono Safi
Elialilia Okello holds a bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Sociology and PhD in Medical Anthropology with several years of research experience in mental health, reproductive health and HIV. Before joining MITU in July 2017, Elialilia was a member of academic staff at Makerere University College of Health Sciences in Kampala, Uganda. Elialilia is currently involved in an ongoing research projects including a qualitative study to assess the impact of a behavioral intervention package on the capability, opportunity and motivation for hand washing with soap among school aged children involved in a cluster randomized trial in NW Tanzania, among others.
Keep an eye out on our blogs to hear more from our researchers in the coming months and also catch them at the 2019 UNC Water and Health conference!