Choose Soap

Choose Soap is a SHARE-commissioned, open access, global toolkit that uses emotional drivers for behaviour change. The toolkit offers a blueprint of activities, including family pledging, an animated film and village signage, to encourage the practice of handwashing with soap. The activities can be carried out in households, schools, communities and by the mass media.
The approach and activities are based on many years of research by the Hygiene Centre at LSHTM, into the drivers of hand hygiene and best current science concerning effective approaches to behaviour change, including the emotive power of disgust, nurture and aspiration. The Choose Soap toolkit is designed to be used to promote handwashing with soap at key times, within a realistic budget and time frame and at village level. The activities can be carried out over a few days, allowing for easy and predictable budgeting. It can also be replicated village by village to build momentum and achieve scale. The kit is modular and can be adapted for different needs.
Designed by creative agency Good Pilot, with SHARE partners LSHTM and WaterAid, Choose Soap is available here and has been very successfully trialed in India, in an adaptation called SuperAmma.