Outcome and Impact Monitoring for Scaling Up Mtumba Sanitation and Hygiene Participatory Approach in Tanzania
The Mtumba approach is a sanitation and hygiene participatory approach which was developed in Tanzania using elements of PHAST, CLTS and PRA tools. This SHARE-funded evaluation, authored by the Tanzanian National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), revisits three pilot areas in Tanzania three years after the Mtumba approach was introduced by WaterAid. This study investigates a range of themes including: awareness of the approach in study sites, existing sanitation facilities and open defecation practices, comparisons in latrines before and after the approach was introduced, hygiene and sanitation behaviour change, preferences regarding sanitation technologies, trends in hygiene and sanitation tracer diseases, implementing costs, and challenges encountered in implementing the approach. The study draws conclusions about the successful impact of the Mtumba approach, and recommends issues for improvement as the Mtumba approach is scaled up under the National Sanitation Campaign.