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  1. Putting Water, Sanitation and Hygiene at the Centre of Development

    WaterAid Tanzania recently launched a new programme strategy at an event attended by senior government officials, including the Vice President of the United Public of Tanzania. Here, Priya Sippy, WaterAid Tanzania's...

  2. Pit latrine minor contributor to diarrhoeal diseases in Bangladesh

    Pit latrines may not be a major threat to groundwater contamination as very few instances of such contamination have shown to occur in a new icddr,b study.
    Consumed directly as drinking water, groundwater is contaminated more often due to...

  3. The public health significance of latrines discharging to groundwater used for drinking

    Faecal contamination of groundwater from pit latrines is widely perceived as a major threat to the safety of drinking water for several billion people in rural and peri-urban areas worldwide. This study, conducted by icddr,b on the floodplains of...

  4. Recipe for Success: How to End Malnutrition

    At current rates of progress we won’t end malnutrition by 2030. To do so, countries must integrate their nutrition and WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) plans. But to what extent are governments ensuring this kind of collaboration?...

  5. Recipe for Success

    At current rates of progress, the world will not meet the Sustainable Development Goals to end malnutrition by 2030. In this report, Action Against Hunger, WaterAid and SHARE assert that the integration of action on nutrition and WASH is...

  6. Researcher of the Month: Giorgia Gon

    SHARE has funded a series of studies on WASH and maternal and newborn health, taking place in Zanzibar, and in Southeast Asia. Recently, a ...

  7. ‘Unfit for human consumption’- unhygienic formula feeding in Indonesia must stop

    SHARE supported LSHTM Alumna Sarah Gibson (MSc Nutrition for Global Health 2016), to conduct the study as part of a team on bottle feeding and WASH. Here, she discusses her experience and findings. This blog was...

  8. ‘Unfit for human consumption’: a study of the contamination of formula milk fed to young children in East Java, Indonesia

    This cross-sectional study examined levels of bacterial contamination in formula feeding bottles in Sidoarjo, East Java, and to assess the preparation practices that may have been responsible. Results found a total of 88% of the formula feeds...

  9. Unpacking Mistrust: new public engagement project

    Recently, Sophie Durrans (SHARE's Research Uptake Officer) was awarded a small grant from the...

  10. Researcher of the Month: Dr Revocatus Machunda

    Dr Revocatus Machunda is a Senior Lecturer at the Nelson Mandela Institute of Technology, based in Arusha, Tanzania. He serves as Co-PI on the WaterAid project, ...