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  1. Research into Use in Kisumu County, Kenya

    Myself and my colleague Sophie Durrans recently travelled to Kisumu, Kenya to visit our partner organisation, Great Lakes University Kisumu (GLUK). GLUK are...

  2. Effect of innate antiviral glycoproteins in breast milk on seroconversion to rotavirus vaccine (Rotarix) in children in Lusaka, Zambia

    Rotavirus vaccines have been introduced into national immunization programmes to mitigate morbidity and mortality associated rotavirus diarrhoea. Lower vaccine effectiveness has however been noted in low-middle...

  3. Oral Contact Events and Caregiver Hand Hygiene: Implications for Fecal-Oral Exposure to Enteric Pathogens among Infants 3–9 Months Living in Informal, Peri-Urban Communities in Kisumu, Kenya

    Childhood diarrhea is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in children under five in low and middle-income countries, second only to respiratory illness. The mouthing behavior that is common in children exposes them to fecal-...

  4. Researcher of the Month: Innocent Mwape

    As part of our work on WASH and vaccines, SHARE supported a study on the immunogenicity of the rotavirus vaccine in infants with...

  5. Planning for Impact: Stakeholder Engagement in Zambia

    Last week, I facilitated an outcome mapping workshop at the Centre for Infectious Disease Research Zambia (CIDRZ) in Lusaka, Zambia. CIDRZ are one of...

  6. Researcher of the Month: Dr Caroline Chisenga

    This month we spoke to Dr Caroline Chisenga, SHARE Research Fellow based at ...

  7. Contributing to the debate on categorising shared sanitation facilities as 'unimproved': An account based on field researchers' observations and householders' opinions in three regions, Tanzania

    Health risks associated with poor sanitation behaviours continue to be reported mostly from low-income countries. This paper is based on results from a study undertaken in three regions Tanzania. Data were collected through observations in 1,751...

  8. High prevalence of ESBL-Producing E. coli in private and shared latrines in an informal urban settlement in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

    This study aimed to assess the hygienic status of improved private and shared latrines in urban and rural Tanzania. Latrines shared by 2-14 households were assessed for their hygienic status through the use of environmental sampling of latrine...

  9. Immunogenicity of rotavirus vaccine (RotarixTM) in infants with environmental enteric dysfunction

    Deployment of rotavirus vaccines has contributed to significant declines in diarrheal morbidity and mortality globally. Unfortunately, vaccine performance in low-middle income countries (LMICs) is generally lower than in developed countries. The...

  10. Estimating the Health Risk Associated with the Use of Ecological Sanitation Toilets in Malawi

    Use of Ecological Sanitation (EcoSan) sludge is becoming popular due to increasing price of organic fertilizers in Malawi; however, there is little evidence on the associated risks. Quantitative microbiological risk assessment (QMRA) was done to...