SHARE Launches 2016/2017 Annual Report
Credit: MITU
SHARE recently completed their 2017 annual report. The report provides a comprehensive overview of SHARE's work from July 2016 – June 2017. It is a requirement from our funder, the UK Department for International Development (DFID), but is also useful for communicating our work more widely and showcasing any successes. This publically available report highlights our progress against goals and is transparent about programme finances, and is also useful for communicating SHARE’s work more widely, synthesising progress, learning from the past year and showcasing successes.
This year’s report includes updates on our progress against our logframe targets as well as financial reporting. Additional content this year includes new infographics, analysis on gender, analysis on research into use activities using outcome mapping and downstream mapping of all our partners.
The report describes how SHARE has developed as a research consortium and matured as a partnership in the last year. Research projects are now well under way with each partner implementing and learning from the formative research phase. Improvements have been made across the consortium, particularly in relation to capacity development and to gender coordination and monitoring. SHARE’s research uptake work has continued to influence the WASH sector with highlights including continued engagement with the World Health Organisation and hosting a high-level WASH and antimicrobial resistance event.
Emily Balls, SHARE’s Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, said, “I’m really pleased that our regular monitoring has helped to streamline the reporting process, and this year we improved our gender and capacity development monitoring which has significantly improved the quality of our data”.
SHARE’s CEO, Eileen Chappell, noted that each of our output indicators for research, research into use, capacity development, and management has been met, or exceeded and that this is testament to the hard work put in by the SHARE Secretariat and partners.