Emily Balls


Emily Balls is SHARE’s Monitoring and Evaluation Officer. She is responsible for developing and maintaining strong M&E systems in order to generate evidence which can be used to inform SHARE's decision making. Strong M&E systems will help SHARE to capture good practice as well as to identify areas of improvement. Emily works closely with SHARE colleagues to improve M&E and to strengthen SHARE's accountability to donors, partners, research participants and other key stakeholders.

Prior to joining SHARE, Emily worked on international development and humanitarian projects at the British Red Cross and Fairtrade International. At the British Red Cross Emily worked on the Ebola response as well as developing systems for monitoring and evaluating the organisation's work in West and Central Africa. She was seconded to the International Federation of the Red Cross/Red Crescent office in Freetown to support monitoring, evaluation and reporting, and was also a member of an evaluation team reviewing disaster management in Sierra Leone. At Fairtrade Emily led on developing M&E systems for a dynamic new business model and provided support to project management processes.

Emily holds an MA in Education and International Development from the Institute of Education, University College London. Her dissertation/ethnographic research focused on youth volunteering in education for sustainable development in Vietnam. She also holds a MA (Hons) in English and Social Anthropology from the University of St Andrews where she conducted ethnographic research for a dissertation on tourism, place and identity in Hawai'i.

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer


SHARE contributes to achieving universal access to effective, sustainable and equitable sanitation and hygiene by generating evidence to improve policy and practice worldwide.