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  1. Integrating WASH and Food Hygiene in Malawi

    Recent evidence suggests that food hygiene plays an important role in reducing and controlling diarrhoeal disease, particularly in children under five. This study aims to determine the relative effectiveness of food hygiene and WASH interventions...

  2. Introducing Our New Volunteer

    Nyemachi Nworgu recently joined the SHARE team as our Research Communications and Monitoring Volunteer. She tells us about herself and what she'll be working on.

    Tell us a little bit about yourself

    Last year I...

  3. Cities of Tomorrow

    Strategic and integrated urban planning is essential to the success of any sanitation programme (Luthi et al, 2011). This multi-phased study is being conducted in Babati Town, Tanzania, where around 3% of the Town Council’s annual budget is spent...

  4. Mikono Safi

    Mikono Safi, which means clean hands in Kiswahili, is a study taking place among school-aged children in the Kagera Region, North-West Tanzania. The aim of the study is to assess the effectiveness of a behaviour change intervention that promotes ...

  5. San-Dem: Creating Demand for Sanitation in Zambia

    This infographic summarises research being undertaken by CIDRZ as part of SHARE Phase II. The project aims to assess whether behaviour change approaches can increase demand for improved toilets without improving supply in peri-urban informal...

  6. Safe Start Trial: Preventing Enteric Infections in Young Children in Kenya

    This infographic summarises the work being undertaken on the Safe Start trial as part of SHARE's second phase of research. The project, conduced by GLUK, will assess the effectiveness of an early childhood hygiene intervention on enteric...

  7. Mikono Safi: Reducing Helminthic Infections Through Handwashing in Tanzania

    This infographic summarises the work being conducted by MITU as part of SHARE's Phase II research. The project aims to integrate sustainable hygiene behaviour change with deworming to control soil transmmitted helminths in schools in Kagera,...

  8. Cities of Tomorrow: Universal Access to Sanitation and Hygiene Services in Tanzania

    This infographic summarises a SHARE Phase II project being undertaken by WaterAid in Tanzania. The project focuses on achieving universal access to adequate, sustainable and equitable sanitation and hygiene services in Babati, Tanzania. 

  9. On The Other Hand: New SHARE-Funded Research From Bangladesh


    An icddr,b study has found that both the left and right hands of Dhaka commuters are equally contaminated with faecal bacteria. Although there is a cultural stigma around using the left hand in Bangladesh, the study suggests that...

  10. Evidence Uptake in the WASH Sector: What Works?


    The question on everyone’s lips in development is ‘what works?’. Unfortunately, there’s no silver bullet. If there was, there might not have been a five-day conference taking place in London in September: the ‘...