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  1. We Want to Hear about Your Toilet Innovations

    Inadequate sanitation in rapidly growing informal settlements is a pressing environmental health problem and an opportunity for business. A range of possible solutions exist, in various stages of development, but they are not well disseminated or...

  2. 7th Emergency Environmental Health Forum- Flyer

    This flyer summarises the upcoming 7th Emergency Environmental Health Forum to be held in Kathmandu, Nepal, 24th-25th October 2016. It outlines the procedures for submitting an abstract for and registering to attend the forum.

  3. EEHF 2016- Call For Abstracts

    This year, SHARE is once again supporting the the informal Emergency Interagency WatSan Group to convene the Emergency Environmental Health Forum (EEHF).

    The 7th EEHF, Creative WASH Initiatives: exploring research, field practice and...

  4. Wish EU Were There: Water and Toilets at the European Development Days 2016

    Did you know that more than 50% of the world’s overseas development assistance comes from the EU and its member states? And that the EU is collectively the largest donor to the water, sanitation and hygiene sector?

    The EU’s huge financial...

  5. Safe Start

    Building on findings from an Urban WASH Disparities study conducted in Kenya during Phase I, this study will design, implement and evaluate the impact of a novel early childhood hygiene intervention targeting caregivers of children at three...

  6. Women's Sanitation Vulnerabilities

    Building on a study in India co-funded by SHARE and WSSCC in Phase I, this study, that will be undertaken by the University of Oklahoma and Johns Hopkins...

  7. Ascaris Eggs on Hands

    The role that hands play in the transmission of STH (especially Ascaris and Trichuris infections), is under-researched and therefore not well understood. SHARE is funding two studies to...

  8. Annual Report 2015-2016

    This report provides a comprehensive overview of SHARE's work from August 2015 to June 2016.

    The past year has seen continued progress in developing the quality of SHARE’s research across the thematic areas of WASH and undernutrition;...

  9. Volunteer with Us!

    SHARE is delighted to announce that we're looking for an enthusiatic Research Communications and Monitoring Volunteer to support our programme of work for 2-3 days/week for approximately 3 months.


    What would the role...

  10. Women Deliver- Event Report

    This report summarises the proceedings of a side session on the importance of WASH in HCFs for improving maternal and child health outcomes that SHARE co-convened with WaterAid, the Soapbox...