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  1. WASH and Vaccines: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Diarrhoea Among Immunized Child Populations in Zambia

    This briefing note outlines SHARE phase II research being conducted by CIDRZ in Zambia. Gaining a better understandng of the role of pathogens on oral vaccine failure may help to explain why the rotavirus vaccine has low levels of effectiveness...

  2. Wastewater Use for Vegetable Farming and Post-Harvest Health Risk Management in Ghana

    This policy brief provides an overview of research conducted by SHARE-funded PhD student Prince Antwi-Agyei, and provides key recommendations to improve the WHO guidelines on the safe use of wastewater for urban agriculture. It also suggests how...

  3. Wastewater Use For Urban Agriculture and Health Risk to Farm Workers

    This policy brief presents the key findings from a SHARE-funded PhD project on key exposure pathways assocated with the transmission of faecal pathogens in farm workers using wastewater for irrigation in Ghana. The findings and recommendations...

  4. Process Evaluation of Tanzania’s National Sanitation Campaign

    This policy brief summarises the process evaluation of Tanzania's National Sanitation Campaign. It highlights the key findings and proposes several recommendations for maximising the NSC’s effectiveness.

  5. LSHTM Launches Scholarship In Memory Of Dr Jeroen Ensink

    A new MSc scholarship supported by the Jeroen Ensink Memorial Fund has been announced by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical...

  6. San-Dem

    In the urban slums of Lusaka, only 56% of the population are reported to have access to an improved latrine (WHO, Unicef, 2013). This study will determine how far a state-of-the-art approach to behaviour change can enhance demand for and...

  7. Planning Research Uptake in Kenya

    In late October, Emily Balls (SHARE’s Monitoring and Evaluation Officer) and I travelled to Kisumu, Kenya to meet SHARE’s partner, the...

  8. icddr,b Scientist Dr Md Sirajul Islam Receives Gold Medal

    icddr,b’s emeritus scientist Dr Md Sirajul Islam has received this year’s Rotary SEED Award 2016 by the Rotary Club of Metropolitan Dhaka

    Environmental microbiologist Dr Islam’s breakthrough...

  9. SHARE at UNC Water and Health Conference

    The Water and Health Conference at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill took place from 10-14th October 2016. SHARE funded two sessions at the event – one on evidence for action on WASH in health care facilities, and...

  10. WASH Futures Conference- Event Report

    This event report summarises the discussions that took place at the WASH Futures conference from 16-20 May in Brisbane, Australia. The event brought together practitioners and professionals from civil society,governments, private sectors, donors...