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  1. Reaching Audiences Far and Wide

    In the run up to International Women’s Day, SHARE set about reflecting on the far-reaching impact of several of its gender-related outputs. We were specifically interested in considering the contribution that the...

  2. Momentum Mounting for Mainstreaming Disability

    With the Global Goals’ focus being on “leaving no one behind”, the light has very much been shone on the need to reach those who may previously have been overlooked or neglected in...

  3. Determinants of Usage of Communal Sanitation Facilities in Informal Settlements of Kisumu, Kenya

    This paper draws on SHARE PhD Student Sheillah Simiyu's research into urban sanitation in Kenya. Communal sanitation facilities in space-stricken informal settlements have often been...

  4. WASH in Health Care Facilities

    From 7-9th January 2016, 1600 public health experts and researchers from across India turned out for IAPSMCON2016. Jointly organised by GMERS Medical College’s Department of...

  5. The Passing of Our Dear Colleague

    It is with great sadness that we share the news that Dr Jeroen Ensink, SHARE Capacity Director and Senior Lecturer in Public Health Engineering at LSHTM, died on Tuesday 29 December 2015. Jeroen was an internationally renowned water engineer and...

  6. UNICEF WASH Chief Shares Thoughts on SDGs

    The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has set us on a new course towards universal, sustainable and inclusive access to WASH. What does this mean for the world’s children? Is this just a continuation of the MDG agenda, or is it something...

  7. Marking the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

    The 3rd December marks the United Nations’ International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD), a day dedicating to promoting an understanding of disability issues and mobilising support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with...

  8. Beyond Ebola: Reflections on the EEHF

    This year, from 16th to 17th October, I was thrilled to attend the 6th EEHF, held in Nairobi, Kenya. The Forum provided an excellent opportunity to meet like-minded professionals with substantial WASH expertise from organizations such as...

  9. Celebrating World Toilet Day

    With 2.4 billion people still lacking access to improved sanitation and almost...

  10. Nepal Pilot Launches

    Earlier this month, an exciting new pilot project investigating whether hygiene promotion can be integrated into routine immunisation programmes got underway in four districts of Nepal.

    The innovative pilot is a joint initiative between...