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  1. Innovative WASH Interventions to Prevent Cholera

    This article, part of an issue focusing on Cholera outbreaks in 2014, reviews and extracts lessons learned from community and household level cholera-prevention WASH interventions implemented to date. It concludes that further innovation,...

  2. Neighbour-Shared Versus Communal Latrines in Urban Slums: a Cross-Sectional Study in Orissa, India Exploring Household Demographics, Accessibility, Privacy, Use and Cleanliness

    A growing proportion of the global population rely on shared sanitation facilities, despite their association with adverse health outcomes. This paper by Heijnen et al. (2015), published in Transactions of the Royal Society of...

  3. SHARE Research Subject of PLoS AMA

    This week, SHARE research on improving WASH for MNH was the subject of a PLoS Science Wednesday Ask Me Anything (AMA) live chat on Reddit Science...

  4. Wastewater Use in Urban Agriculture: an Exposure and Risk Assessment in Accra, Ghana (Thesis)

    This is SHARE Phd student Prince Antwi-Agyei's thesis submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in September 2015.

    It documents his...

  5. No Newborn's First Day Should Be Its Last

    It is difficult to think of a topic more emotive than the health and survival of women and children during childbirth. Perhaps it’s because we were all born at some point, but perhaps it’s because intuitively we know that it is morally and...

  6. Inclusive WASH Infrastructure Design

    This briefing note was produced by WaterAid Uganda and their partner the Church of Uganda Teso Diocese Development Office and features testimonials from those involved in the SHARE-funded...

  7. Why Financial Lending Institutions Are Not Willing to Provide Services to the Private Sector for Rural Sanitation and Hygiene

    This paper summarises the findings of a SHARE-funded study that examined why lending institutions are unwilling to provide financial services to small scale (prospective) operators of sanitation and hygiene delivery within Nkhata Bay District, a...

  8. Demonstrating Impact

    This presentation was prepared for the ‘Demonstrating Impact Workshop: Toolbox and Genius Bar’ held on 23rd September 2015 as part of LSHTM's Annual Symposium. It summarises SHARE's experience of demonstrating the non-academic impact of...

  9. Debunking Research Impact: Theories of Change

    Most research institutions are asked to do it, but for many it is an undertaking that is approached with a certain trepidation and even reluctance. To what am I referring? Demonstrating the non-academic impact of research.



  10. Global Maternal Newborn Health Conference- Event Report

    In October 2015, SHARE hosted a discussion panel on WASH and MNH integration at the inaugural Global Maternal Newborn Health Conference in Mexico. This note summarises the presentations and discussions that took place.