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  1. Global Maternal Newborn Health Conference- Presentations

    This document brings together all the presentations delivered at the SHARE-hosted 'WASH and MNH – using what we know to accelerate progress on WASH access and MNH outcomes' panel discussion held on 19th October 2015 as part of the ...

  2. Socio-Economic Dynamics in Slums and Implications for Sanitation Sustainability in Kisumu, Kenya

    This paper summarises the findings of SHARE-funded Phd student Sheillah Simiyu whose study sought to understand the...

  3. Information and Guidance for Inclusive WASH Designs in Uganda

    This video, targeted at WASH practitioners, features several WASHpublications intended to assist practitioners in facilitating inclusive WASH. Amongst other resources, it highlighs the SHARE-funded Compendium of Accessible WASH Technologies...

  4. Risk Perceptions for the Use of Wastewater in Agriculture in Accra, Ghana

    This presentation was prepared by Prince Antwi-Agyei, a SHARE-funded PhD student, and Dr Jeroen Ensink, SHARE Capacity Director...

  5. Celebrating Global Handwashing Day

    On the October 14, the eve of Global Handwashing Day (October 15th), academics, students and practitioners came together to celebrate one of the world’s most cost effective public...

  6. SHARE on the Global Stage

    This month SHARE researchers are off to Mexico and the USA to present their work and discuss its implications in the post-2015 agenda.

    Why Mexico?

    The first-ever Global...

  7. Evidence on the Effectiveness of WASH Interventions on Health Outcomes in Humanitarian Crises: A Systematic Review

    This journal paper outlines the findings of a systematic review that examined the quantity and quality of evidence on WASH interventions on health outcomes in humanitarian crises, and evaluated current evidence on their effectiveness against...

  8. Improving Maternal Health in Zanzibar through Improved WASH

    This briefing paper summarises the findings of a Government of Zanzibar (GoZ)-commissioned and SHARE-funded study that examined the standards of WASH, infection prevention control (IPC) and solid waste management across Zanzibar’s thirty-seven...

  9. Tanzania Sanitation and Hygiene Research Symposium- Presentations

    This document brings together all the presentations delivered at the MITU-WaterAid-SHARE convened one-day Sanitation and Hygiene Research Symposium that took place in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in August 2015.

  10. Malawi Sanitation and Hygiene Research Symposium- Presentations

    This document brings together all the presentations delivered at the MEIRU-SHARE convened one-day Sanitation and Hygiene Research Symposium that took place in Lilongwe, Malawi in July 2015.