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Search results
Compendium of Accessible WASH Technologies
Based on the findings of the Undoing Inequity project, this compendium offers evidence-based guidance on how household WASH facilities can be made more accessible. It is intended for use by health workers, community volunteers and WASH...
The Sanitation Ladder, What Constitutes an Improved Form of Sanitation?
This paper empirically assesses whether the MDG classification of ‘improved’ and ‘unimproved’ sanitation technologies and the JMP sanitation ladder correspond to three hygiene proxies. It finds that the current assumption that shared facilities...
PLOS Medicine Paper Launch- From Joint Thinking to Joint Action
This is a podcast of the PLOS Medicine Paper Launch that took place at LSHTM on 15th December 2014. The event formally launched the '...
Sanitation Vulnerability
This brochure summarises the SHARE and WSSCC-funded 'Sanitation Vulnerability' project conducted in India by SOPPECOM and Texas AM University.
List of Co-Publishers
This poster lists the 27 co-publishers of the Practitioner’s Toolkit on Violence, Gender and WASH.
Violence, Gender and WASH: Spurring Action on a Complex, Under-documented and Sensitive Topic
This paper summarises the findings of a recent review of existing evidence and practice on WASH and violence conducted by the authors when compiling the Violence, Gender and WASH toolkit. It also identifies gaps in the evidence base and offers...
Does Global Progress on Sanitation Really Lag behind Water? An Analysis of Global Progress on Community- and Household-Level Access to Safe Water and Sanitation
This paper dispels the myth of the global sanitation crisis by using equivalent household and community level benchmarks to assess global progress on water and sanitation. It finds that, using such benchmarks, the global deficit is as great for...
Implementing Effective Hygiene Promotion: Lessons from the Process Evaluation of an Intervention to Promote Handwashing with Soap in Rural India
This paper, published by Rajaraman et al. (2014) in BMC Public Health highlights the lessons learned from a process evaluation of the SuperAmma intervention. It finds that the intervention succeeded in securing lasting behaviour...
Realizing the Right to Sanitation in Deprived Urban Communities: Meeting the Challenges of Collective Action, Coproduction, Affordability, and Housing Tenure
This paper examines the institutional challenges to low-cost sanitation in deprived urban communities and features two community-driven initiatives which have successfully overcome these challenges.
Recent WASH and Maternal and Newborn Health Publications
This brochure summarises several recent publications concerning the WASH and maternal and newborn health nexus. It was produced as a handout for the PLOS Medicine paper launch that took place at LSHTM on 15th December 2014.