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  1. Safe Food, Healthy Child

    This video is one of the promotional materials used in the SHARE-funded food hygiene intervention in Nepal, conducted by Om Prasad Gautam, SHARE PhD student.


  2. Sanitation Issues in Namibia

    This report provides information about the influence of gender and age upon community decision-making within the Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia (SDFN) and among other residents in poor urban settlements where SDFN is active. The research...

  3. The Early Impact of Undoing Inequity in Uganda

    This video features the early impact of the SHARE-funded Undoing Inequity project in the Amuria and Katakwi districts of Uganda.



  4. Identification of the Potential Opportunities, Barriers, and Threats Within the Sector in Taking Up Sanitation as a Business: Rural Sanitation in Nkhata Bay District (Malawi)

    This paper by Holm et al. (2014) and published in Waterlines provides insights from the SHARE-funded research project ‘Private Sector Participation in the Delivery of Sanitation and Hygiene Services in Malawi’. It features two...

  5. Promoting Latrine Construction and Use in Rural Villages Practising Open Defecation: Process Evaluation in Connection with a Randomised Controlled Trial in Orissa, India

    This paper by Boisson et al. (2014) published in BMC Research Notes summarises the findings of a process evluation conducted in the context of a cluster-randomised trial in 100 villages of Orissa, India, that sought to measure...

  6. Measuring the Safety of Excreta Disposal Behavior in India with the New Safe San Index: Reliability, Validity and Utility

    Methods to assess household excreta disposal practices are critical for informing public health outcomes of efforts to improve sanitation in developing countries. This paper by Jenkins et al. (2014), published in the International...

  7. Om's Food Hygiene Intervention- August 2014

    I’ve been quiet for the last few months as I’ve been busy analysing and writing-up my trial papers which will be submitted for publication soon. I am back now though to bring you the latest updates from the...

  8. Research-into-Use Guide

    This brief guide was produced for the Research-into-Use (RIU) two day workshop held in Kampala in June 2014. It explains what RIU is, why RIU should be prioritised, and how RIU can be achieved.

  9. The Role of Districts in the Implementation of Tanzania’s National Sanitation Campaign

    This report provides important insights on how Local Government Authorities in Tanzania could improve the promotion of rural sanitation at the local level.

  10. Nepal Food Hygiene Project- Intervention Components

    This illustration documents the core components of the Nepal food hygiene intervention.