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Undoing Inequity Mid Term Review- Uganda
This report provides an overview of a mid-term review study conducted in May-June 2014 for the SHARE-funded Undoing Inequity project in Uganda. The study used a mixed-methods approach to assess the early impacts of the intervention and test and...
Undoing Inequity Mid Term Review- Zambia
This report provides an overview of a mid-term review study conducted in June-July 2014 for the SHARE-funded Undoing Inequity project in Zambia. The study used a mixed-methods approach to assess the early impacts of the intervention and test and...
An Opportunity Not to be Missed
This report summarises a SHARE-funded study conducted in 2012 which explored whether vaccination programmes offer a useful entry point for hygiene promotion. The study also sought to define options for piloting and scaling up of a hygiene...
Tanzania is one of the largest countries in sub-Saharan Africa and is home to more than 52 million people. Only 16% of Tanzanians have access to improved sanitation, and 12% still practice open defecation (...
Malawi is one of the smaller countries in Sub-Saharan African and home to 16 million people. An estimated 35% of the Malawian population does not have access to an improved form of sanitation, of which 4%, the majority of which reside in rural...
A middle-income country with a population of over 1 billion, poverty in India is a complex issue with just under a third of the population living on less than $1 a day. Estimates suggest that 40% of the population have access to improved ...
Bangladesh is one of the most populous countries in the world and just under half of its 159 million population lives on less than US$2 a day (World Bank, 2015). Estimates indicate...
Building the Evidence Base around Menstrual Hygiene Management
Imagine not having access to a safe, hygienic and private place to manage your period. You can’t. But this is a reality for many women and girls across the globe, where a lack of access to clean water, safe sanitation, adequate hygiene facilities...
PhD completed!
We are delighted to announce that Om completed his PhD in April 2015. Dr Prasad Gautam has since taken up a senior position with WaterAid UK as...
Sustainability and Value For Money in WASH
This document brings together the presentations given at the 'Sustainability and Value for Money - Using Data to Improve the Performance of WASH Investments' event held at LSHTM on 11th May 2015.