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  1. Pit Latrine Emptying Behaviour and Demand for Sanitation Services in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

    This paper uses data from a cross-sectional survey to explore the pit latrine emptying practices of and demand for fecal sludge management (FSM) services amongst unplanned communities in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. It finds that existing FSM options...

  2. The 20-Year Sanitation Partnership of Mumbai and the Indian Alliance

    This paper by Patel et al. (2015), published in Environment and Urbanization, summarises how the Indian Alliance (a community toilet programme developed in India over the last 20 years and sought city-wide scale...

  3. Toilets on Credit

    This video was produced by Tremolet Consulting and summarises the action-research they conducted for SHARE in Tanzania in which financial institutions were trained to provide financial services for sanitation. The video places this research...

  4. Om's Food Hygiene Intervention- February 2015

    Policy implications

    I am delighted to have co-written a Policy Brief entitled '...

  5. Sanitation and Women in India- Reflections from Delhi

    This video features three groups of researchers reflecting upon the 'Sanitation and Women in India' workshop held in Delhi in November 2014. Here, they also summarise their SHARE-WSSCC...

  6. Complementary Food Hygiene- An Overlooked Opportunity in the WASH, Nutrition and Health Sectors

    This policy brief highlights the often overlooked opportunity that addressing complementary food hygiene offers the WASH, nutrition and health sectors for improving health outcomes. It outlines SHARE's contribution to narrowing the evidence gap...

  7. Embedding Access to Finance in Sanitation Programmes

    This report was produced by Tremolet Consulting for WaterAid as part of the East Africa Workshop on Sanitation Microfinance that SHARE supported in May 2014. It proposes a step-by-step approach which NGOs or other public actors could take in...

  8. New Connections, Interesting Challenges and Memorable Research

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

    This famous quote is a reminder that for any great accomplishment, there has to be a beginning. Who ever thought of counting the miles of a PhD journey?...

  9. Om's Food Hygiene Intervention- January 2015

    Happy New Year readers!

    As promised in my last blog, I am delighted to be able to share with you a 19 minute video...

  10. Wastewater Irrigation in Ghana

    This video was produced by Prince Antwi-Agyei, a SHARE-funded PhD student, investigating wastewater use in urban agriculture in Accra, Ghana.

    The video documents some of the...