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  1. Shared Sanitation versus Individual Household Latrines: A Systematic Review of Health Outcomes

    More than 761 million people rely on shared sanitation facilities. These have historically been excluded from international sanitation targets, regardless of the service level, due to concerns about acceptability, hygiene and access. In...

  2. WASH & CLEAN on the Labour Ward: a Situational Analysis in India & Bangladesh

    This RIU Summary outlines collaborative work that will be undertaken in partnership between the Indian Institute of Public Health, BRAC in Bangladesh, Immpact, University of Aberdeen and the Soapbox Collaborative, UK. It is one of four research...

  3. Violence and Vulnerability: Making WASH Safer

    The 5th in a 'Hygiene Promotion in Emergencies' series, this newsletter was produced by Suzanne Ferron, author of the SHARE-funded Violence, Gender and WASH: Practitioners' Toolkit, and summarises how WASH practitioners can contribute to reducing...

  4. The Right to Sanitation: Translating the Right into a Reality

    This presentation was delivered at the SHARE-WSSCC convened International Sanitation and Gender Workshop held in Delhi, 9-10th December 2013. It outlines a SOAS (UK) and International Environmental Law Research Centre (India) study that is...

  5. A Review of Sanitation and Hygiene in Tanzania

    This report, based on a desk review of the sanitation and hygiene sector in Tanzania, one of SHARE's focus countries, provides a useful synopsis of the state of the field as of 2013. It will be ...

  6. Building City-Wide Strategies from the Bottom Up: Malawi Situational Analysis

    Rapidly growing urban populations and informal settlements coupled with inadequate sanitation provision create a concerning picture in the majority of major cities in developing countries. The SHARE-funded City-Wide Sanitation project that took...

  7. Building City-Wide Strategies from the Bottom Up: Tanzania Situational Analysis

    Rapidly growing urban populations and informal settlements coupled with inadequate sanitation provision create a concerning picture in the majority of major cities in developing countries. The SHARE-funded City-Wide Sanitation project that took...

  8. Building City-Wide Strategies from the Bottom Up: Zambia Situational Analysis

    Rapidly growing urban populations and informal settlements coupled with inadequate sanitation provision create a concerning picture in the majority of major cities in developing countries. The SHARE-funded City-Wide Sanitation project that took...

  9. Building City-Wide Strategies from the Bottom Up: Zimbabwe Situational Analysis

    Rapidly growing urban populations and informal settlements coupled with inadequate sanitation provision create a concerning picture in the majority of major cities in developing countries. The SHARE-funded City-Wide Sanitation project that took...

  10. A Story of Change: The Benefits of Water and Sanitation Access

    The Undoing Inequity project, funded by SHARE and implemented by WaterAid, Leonard Cheshire...