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  1. Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, and Soil-Transmitted Helminth Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

    Preventive chemotherapy represents a powerful short-term control strategy for soil-transmitted helminths (STH) but, since humans are often re-infected rapidly, longer-term solutions (which include improvements in WASH) are required. This study...

  2. Effect of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene on the Prevention of Trachoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

    This journal paper by Stocks et al. (2014) outlines the findings of a SHARE-funded systematic review and meta analysis on the importance of WASH in Trachoma elimination strategies. It found strong evidence to support the F and E components of the...

  3. Burden of Disease from Inadequate Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Low- and Middle-Income Settings: a Retrospective Analysis of Data from 145 Countries.

    This study by Prüss-Üstün et al. (2014) and published in Tropical Medicine and International Health estimates the burden of diarrhoeal...

  4. Hygiene and Health: Systematic Review of Handwashing Practices Worldwide and Update of Health Effects

    This journal paper by Freeman et al. (2014) and published in Tropical Medicine and International Health, summarises a study, supported by SHARE researchers, that estimates the global prevalence of handwashing with soap and...

  5. Assessing the Impact of Drinking Water and Sanitation on Diarrhoeal Disease in Low- and Middle-Income Settings: Systematic Review and Meta-Regression

    This journal paper by Wolf et al. (2014) in Tropical Medicine and International Health documents the findings of a study, supported by SHARE researchers, that assessed the impact of inadequate water and sanitation on diarrhoeal...

  6. The Cost of a Knowledge Silo: A Systematic Re-Review of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Interventions

    Published in Health Policy and Planning, this paper by Loevinsohn et al.(2014) summarises a re-review of a Cochrane-standard systematic review of WASH interventions’ impact on child diarrhoea morbidity that tested the hypothesis...

  7. Can Microfinance Boost Sanitation Businesses in East Africa?

    On the 16th May, SHARE and WaterAid convened representatives from international organisations, NGOs and financial institutions to a regional learning workshop on sanitation microfinance in Dar Es Salaam. Under the title “Embedding microfinance...

  8. WASH in Schools: Empowers Girls' Education

    This report summarises the proceedings of the Second Annual Virtual Conference on MHM in Schools convened by UNICEF and the Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University at UNICEF...

  9. A Quantitative Assessment Method for Ascaris Eggs on Hands

    This paper bu Jeandron et al. (2014) in PLOS ONE summarises the findings of a study that developed a method to assess the number of Ascaris eggs on hands and determine the egg recovery rate of the method, and thus add to the limited body...

  10. Wastewater Use in Urban Agriculture

    This poster was produced by Prince Antwi-Agyei, a SHARE-funded PhD student, investigating wastewater use in urban agriculture in Accra, Ghana. It summarises his findings and was...