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  1. WASH & Maternal Mortality Systematic Review

    The second in a series of five SHARE-funded studies, this LSHTM-led systematic review focused on one of the mechanisms identified in the...

  2. WASH & Maternal and Newborn Health

    The first in a series of five SHARE-funded studies, this LSHTM-led study explored the linkages between WASH and MNH...

  3. Weaning Food Hygiene- The Gambia

    Building on lessons learned from earlier SHARE-funded work on food hygiene and behaviour change, including the successful SuperAmma campaign in India, SHARE is currently funding a...

  4. Weaning Food Hygiene- Nepal

    Building on findings from Mali...

  5. Weaning Food Hygiene- Bangladesh

    Following the success of the Mali study, SHARE funded a small intervention study in rural Matlab, Bangladesh, to investigate whether the intervention could be replicated...

  6. Weaning Food Hygiene- Mali

    This study, conducted in peri-urban Bamako, Mali, built upon an experiment in which the HACCP approach was applied to preparation of two common weaning foods and was used to develop a small...

  7. Other Countries

    Outside of SHARE’s focus countries, we have also supported a range of research projects in several other countries on the following topics: 

    • Ghana – waste water use in urban agriculture
    • Mali
    • ...
  8. Sanitation Issues in Namibia

    The purpose of this research was to provide information about the influence of gender and age upon community decision-making within the Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia (SDFN) and...

  9. City-Wide Sanitation

    The SHARE-funded City-Wide Sanitation project is investigating the failures of conventional approaches to urban sanitation, many of which are described in SHARE’s Urban...

  10. Sanitation Mapper

    Inspired by the previous successful development of the Water Point Mapper by WaterAid, this project aimed at developing a low cost and...