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  1. Undoing Inequity

    This action-research project, undertaken by WaterAid, the Water Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC) at Loughborough University and...

  2. Kenya Sanitation Research Symposium- Presentations

    This document brings together all the presentations delivered at the GLUK-SHARE convened one-day Sanitation Research Symposium that took place in Kisumu, Kenya in April 2015. The agenda is also included for information.

  3. The Impact of Poor Sanitation on Nutrition

    With 165 million children suffering from chronic undernutrition and 52 million suffering from acute malnutrition, more concerted and cross-sectoral action is needed. Improving WASH in the context of nutrition programming offers one important...

  4. Menstrual Hygiene Practices, WASH Access and the Risk of Urogenital Infection in Women from Odisha, India

    This paper by Das et al. (2015), published in PLOS ONE, presents findings from a hospital-based case-control study in India which sought to determine the association of MHM...

  5. The Impact of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Interventions to Control Cholera: A Systematic Review

    This paper presents a systematic literature review investigating the function, use and impact of WASH interventions implemented to control cholera. It presents findings from eighteen studies of which only five reported a health outcome and...

  6. Sanitation Related Psychosocial Stress: A Grounded Theory Study of Women Across the Life Course in Odisha, India

    This paper by Sahoo et al. (2015) published in Social Science and Medicine, features the results of a study that used a grounded theory approach to examine the sanitation-related psychosocial stressors experienced by women in...

  7. Breaking the Next Taboo: Menstrual Hygiene within CLTS

    This manual illustrates how CLTS programmes can be expanded to address menstrual hygiene management in schools and communities to alleviate these stresses on women and girls. It shares learning, recommendations, innovations and experiences from...

  8. Microfinance For Sanitation: What Is Needed To Move To Scale?

    This paper presents findings from the SHARE-funded action-research in Tanzania which triggered selected financial institutions to offer financial products for sanitation and generated lessons for scaling up sanitation microfinance. It considers...

  9. A PhD Student Sometimes Has to Talk

    In my last blog I extolled the virtues of listening, but speaking is of equal importance for PhD students starting out on their research careers....

  10. Transmission of Helminth Eggs Through Hands in a High-Risk Community

    This journal paper explores the role that hand hygiene plays in the transmission of Ascaris, by testing a newly developed method to quantify the presence helminth eggs on hands among a group of farmers in Vietnam. Results show that 34% of study...