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  1. Contamination of Commuters' Hands

    This research identified the faecal pathogens present on the hands of commuters in Dhaka and found contamination levels to be different according to the different transportation means used and also to the different seasons. The results are...

  2. Safe Child Stool Disposal

    To date, the WASH sector has greatly overlooked the enormous potential of hygienic child stool disposal to considerably reduce the prevalence of diarrhoeal diseases. Young children are concurrently more susceptible to faecal-oral disease...

  3. SuperAmma

    Jointly funded by SHARE and the Wellcome TrustSuperAmma (SuperMum) is a unique handwashing intervention that set out to test whether emotional motivators - disgust...

  4. Choose Soap

    Choose Soap is a SHARE-commissioned, open access, global toolkit that uses emotional drivers for behaviour change. The toolkit offers a blueprint of activities, including family pledging, an animated film...

  5. Vaccination & Hygiene Promotion

    Diarrhoea is a leading cause of death in children under 5 years of age, due mostly to failures to increase access to safe water and improve sanitation and hygiene practices. Rotavirus vaccines are a useful addition to existing diarrhoeal disease...

  6. Scaling Up Mtumba

    The Mtumba approach to sanitation and hygiene draws on the best practices of existing participatory and promotion methodologies, to create demand for hygiene and sanitation, adapting them to the national context. Named after the village in the...

  7. Sanitation Investment Tracker

    The Sanitation Investment Tracker (SIT) is a suite of applications that can be used to track investment (and associated expenditure) in sanitation at household level. Potential applications of SIT are now being explored in a number of projects....

  8. Public Finance for Sanitation

    In most developing countries, more than 50% of the population still lack adequate sanitation facilities. In this context, public finance can be used to improve public health and remove constraints to achieving other development goals, such as...

  9. Microfinance for Sanitation

    In 2010, SHARE initiated a package of work on sanitation microfinance. The research, led by Tremolet Consulting, was launched to explore whether microfinance can play a role to support access to improved...

  10. Sanitation in Dar es Salaam

    This research, led by the University of California Davis in collaboration with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, examines sanitation...