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Search results
Investigating the Cost of Inclusive WASH Service Delivery
This video investigates the cost of inclusive WASH service delivery in Uganda. It was produced by the SHARE-funded Undoing Inequity project and published in August 2013....
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Public Finance for Household Sanitation in the State of Bihar, India
This report summarises a SHARE and WaterAid initiated case study evaluating the effectiveness of public financing in promoting and supporting the development of sustainable solutions for improving household sanitation in rural India, in the...
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Public Finance for Household Sanitation in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
This report summarises a SHARE and WaterAid initiated case study evaluating the effectiveness of public financing in promoting and supporting the development of sustainable solutions for improving household sanitation in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania....
Food Hygiene Practices of Mothers and Level of Contamination in Child's Food in Nepal: Formative Research
This paper was produced for the 36th WEDC Conference held in Nakuru, Kenya, in July 2013. It summarises the formative research conducted for SHARE-funded food hygiene intervention in Nepal. The research took place April-June 2012 and examined...
Annual Report 2012-2013
This report provides a comprehensive overview of SHARE's work from August 2012 to July 2013.
This has been a critical year in SHARE’s development. SHARE started in January 2010 with the ambitious goal of combining research, research into...
Om's Food Hygiene Intervention- August 2013
Trial underway
I have been in the field during the last three months for the trial, with limited connectivity, but am pleased now to be able to share my reflections and some photos from the community/group events and...
Characteristics of Latrines in Central Tanzania and Their Relation to Fly Catches
This journal paper by Irish et al. (2013) published in PLOS ONE, presents the findings of a pilot study investigating the association between latrine design, management, the chemical and physical characteristics of pit contents and fly...
Om's Food Hygiene Intervention- June 2013
Launching the intervention
I am very excited to tell you about the recent launch of the ‘Food Hygiene Intervention Trial’ in four intervention clusters in Kavre district of Nepal. Altogether 12 launch events took place...
Building City-Wide Strategies from the Bottom Up
This report provides an overview of the SHARE-funded City-Wide Sanitation Project that took place in four southern African countries as a response to the failures of conventional approaches to urban sanitation. The project sought to develop a...
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Evidence Paper
This Evidence Paper was produced for the UK Department for International Development in 2013 and aims to provide an accessible guide to existing evidence, including a conceptual framework for understanding how WASH impacts on health and well-...