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  1. Mainstreaming Disability and Ageing in WASH Programmes

    This report presents the findings of a desk review conducted by WEDC to provide an overview of the extent to which disability and ageing is mainstreamed in WASH programmes. Drawing on experiences from WASH organisations around the world, it is...

  2. Impact of Indian Sanitation Campaign on Latrine Coverage and Use: A Cross-Sectional Study in Orissa Three Years Following Programme Implementation

    This paper by Barnard et al. (2013) published in PLOS ONE reports the findings of a cross-sectional study to investigate latrine coverage and use among 20 villages in Orissa, India where the Government of India's TSC had been...

  3. Undoing Inequity

    This presentation was delivered by Jane Wilbur, Principal Investigator of SHARE-funded research into how to ensure WASH programmes that deliver for all in Uganda and Zambia, at the UK Department for International Development to mark World Toilet...

  4. Sanitation Microfinance

    This presentation was delivered by Sophie Tremolet, Principal Investigator on several SHARE-funded sanitation microfinance projects, at the UK Department for International Development to mark World Toilet Day 2013.

  5. Evaluating the Potential of Microfinance for Sanitation in India

    This study is part of a two-country case study, India and Tanzania, which investigates how household financing for sanitation could be mobilised via microfinance in order to accelerate sustainable access to sanitation.

  6. Evaluating the Potential of Microfinance for Sanitation in Tanzania

    This study is part of a two-country case study, India and Tanzania, which investigates how household financing for sanitation could be mobilised via microfinance in order to accelerate sustainable access to sanitation.

  7. Synthesis: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Public Finance for Household Sanitation

    This report summarises the findings of a SHARE and WaterAid initiated project evaluating the effectiveness of public financing in promoting and supporting the development of sustainable solutions for improving household sanitation. Using case...

  8. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Public Finance for Household Sanitation in Rural Thailand

    This report summarises a SHARE and WaterAid initiated case study evaluating the effectiveness of public financing in promoting and supporting the development of sustainable solutions for improving household sanitation in rural Thailand. This case...

  9. The Important Relationship Between Landlords and Tenants in Improving Sanitation: A Case Study

    This case study summarises the work of the Tanzania Urban Poor Federation and the Centre for Community Initiatives in Keko Machungwa settlement, Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) who...

  10. Community Driven Sanitation Improvement in Deprived Urban Neighbourhoods

    There is an international consensus that urban sanitary conditions are in great need of improvement, but sharp disagreement over how this improvement should be pursued. Both market-driven and state-led efforts to improve sanitation in deprived...