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  1. PLoS Medicine Series on Water and Sanitation

    In November 2010, PLoS Medicine published a four-part series on water and sanitation. In the first article, Jamie Bartram and Sandy Cairncross, SHARE Research Director, argue that the...

  2. Sanitation Investment Tracker: An Overview

    This briefing note provides a short overview of the SIT, a suite of applications that can be used to track investment (and associated expenditure) in sanitation at household level. It...

  3. Sanitation App: Developments

    Mobile phone and web-based ICT applications are increasingly being developed to support the development of WASH services. While there has not yet been much innovation in the sanitation sector, a lot can be learned and transferred from recent...

  4. Sanitation Investment Tracker: A Step-by-Step User Guide

    This note offers practical guidance on how to use the SIT to track investment and associated expenditure in sanitation at household level. The app itself consists of...

  5. Hygiene Intervention Reduces Contamination of Weaning Food in Bangladesh

    This paper by Islam et al. (2013) published in Tropical Medicine and International Health summarises the findings of a small, SHARE-funded intervention study that sought to reduce the...

  6. Comparison of Kato-Katz, Ethyl-Acetate Sedimentation, and Midi Parasep® in the Diagnosis of Hookworm, Ascaris and Trichuris infection in the context of an evaluation of rural sanitation in India

    This paper by Funk et al. (2013) published in Acta Tropica, summarises the findings of a study conducted seeking to compare STH diagnosis techniques (the Kato-Katz, conventional ethyl-acetate sedimentation, and Midi Parasep®...

  7. Making Sanitation Count: Developing and Testing a Device for Assessing Latrine Use in Low-Income Settings

    Distinguishing between latrine coverage and latrine usage is vital for assessing the health impact of sanitation. This paper by Clasen et al. (2012), published in Envrionmental Science and Technology, summarises the development...

  8. Helminth Transmission in Simple Pit Latrines

    This short communication by Baker and Ensink (2012), published in Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene summarises the findings of a study exploring the presence of helminth eggs in simple pit latrines in...

  9. Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Enteric Infections in Children

    This paper by Brown et al. (2013), published in BMJ, reviews the evidence linking WASH measures to faecal-oral diseases in children. Although continued research is needed, existing evidence from the last 150 years supports...

  10. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for the Prevention of Diarrhoea

    This journal paper by Cairncross et al. (2013), published in the International Journal of Epidemiology presents the findings of a study which drew on three systematic reviews focussed on the effect of handwashing with soap,...