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  1. WaterAid's Submission into the International Development Select Committee's Inquiry on Disability and Development

    Drawing on the learnings from its SHARE-funded 'Undoing Inequity' project, WaterAid has submitted a stand-alone submission on disability and WASH to the IDSC, which uses knowledge on developing and delivering inclusive WASH that meets the needs...

  2. Water and Sanitation Action Research in the City of Dar es Salaam: Community Mapping Towards Inclusive Development

    This policy brief reports on the first year of a three-year, SHARE-funded City Wide Sanitation project taking place in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The first year comprised principally of data collection. The second year is for the development of...

  3. Cochrane Review- Interventions to Improve Water Quality and Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Practices, and Their Effects on the Nutritional Status of Children

    This Cochrane Review by Dangour et al. (2014) provides a definitive synthesis of the current evidence relating improvements in WASH to childhood undernutrition.

  4. Water and Sanitation Action Research in the City of Blantyre: Community Mapping Towards Inclusive Development

    This policy brief reports on the first year of a three-year, SHARE-funded City Wide Sanitation project taking place in Blantyre, Malawi. The first year comprised principally of data collection. The second year is for the development of precedents...

  5. Water and Sanitation Action Research in the City of Kitwe: Community Mapping Towards Inclusive Development

    This policy brief reports on the first year of a three-year, SHARE-funded City Wide Sanitation project taking place in Kitwe, Zambia. The first year comprised principally of data collection. The second year is for the development of precedents to...

  6. Life Course Approach for Exploring the Impact of Sanitation Access and Menstrual Hygiene Management on Psychosocial Stress, Behaviour and Health among Girls and Women in Odisha

    This presentation provides an overview of a joint study between the Asian Institute of Public Health, Emory University, and LSHTM which is seeking to describe...

  7. Sanitation Vulnerability: Women’s Stress and Struggles for Violence-Free Sanitation

    This presentation summarises preliminary observations from a joint study between SOPPECOM and Texas AM University which is investigating urban women’s experiences of...

  8. WASH & Clean on the Labour Ward

    This presentation summarises the background to, objectives of and methodology that was used during the SHARE co-funded WASH & CLEAN study. It sought to analyse the processes and effectiveness of cleaning practices on labour wards as well as...

  9. Women, WASH and Health in Rural Pune District: Identifying Stress and Unmet Needs

    This presentation summarises the background to, objectives of and methodology that was used during the SHARE funded WASH Coping Strategies study. It sought to identify sources of pychosocial stress for women, as well as their preferences,...

  10. Om's Food Hygiene Intervention- December 2013

    What a busy few months!

    After the completion of the food hygiene intervention trial in early September, four major activities were took place through to December:

    1. Multi-sector policy analysis
    2. ...