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  1. Om's Food Hygiene Intervention- February 2013

    Learning from the expert

    This month, I received a visit from my PhD supervisor, Dr Val Curtis, so that she could review my work in Nepal to date and provide her expert input regarding the food hygiene intervention package...

  2. Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for International Development Visits SHARE-Funded Projects in Uganda

    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for International Development Lynne Featherstone visited two projects that are part of the SHARE-funded Undoing...

  3. Sanitation Markets and Economics

    In this video, Sophie Tremolet, author of the Sanitation Markets Pathfinder Paper, gives insight on her...

  4. Undernutrition and WASH

    This briefing note, co-authored with LSHTM and WaterAid, summarises existing evidence to demonstrate the fundamental role WASH plays in improving nutritional outcomes. It offers recommendations on how WASH can and should be utilised in global...

  5. Study to Review the Current Human Resource Capacity and Costs of Scaling up Sanitation and Hygiene in Tanzania

    This report summarises the findings of a study commissioned to lay the foundations for a NCSH in Tanzania. A collaboration between the ...

  6. Focus on Handwashing in Emergency Settings

    This event report summarises the proceedings of the 'Focus on Handwashing in Emergency Settings' event held at LSHTM on 19th December 2012.

  7. Estimating the Burden of Maternal and Neonatal Deaths Associated with Jaundice in Bangladesh: Possible Role of Hepatitis E Infection

    This paper by Gurley et al. (2012) published in the American Journal of Public Health estimates the population-based incidence of maternal and neonatal mortality associated with hepatitis E virus (HEV) in Bangladesh. It looked...

  8. SHARE Co-Convenes the 5th Emergency Environmental Health Conference

    The 5th Emergency Environmental Health Forum, which took place on 17th and 18th December 2012, focussed on public health promotion in water and sanitation programmes in emergency settings. It was followed by a one day event focussed on...

  9. 5th Emergency Environmental Health Conference

    The 5th Emergency Environmental Health Forum, which took place on 17th and 18th December 2012, focussed on public health promotion in water and sanitation programmes in emergency settings. The Forum was co-sponsored by Oxfam, International...

  10. 5th Emergency Environmental Health Forum- Presentations

    This document brings together all the presentations delivered at the 5th Emergency Environmental Health Forum that took place on 17th and 18th December 2012 in London. The Forum focussed on public health promotion in water and sanitation...