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  1. 5th Emergency Environmental Health Forum- Event Report

    This report summarises the proceedings on the 5th Emergency Environmental Health Forum which took place on 17th and 18th December 2012 in London. The Forum focussed on public health promotion in water and sanitation programmes in emergency...

  2. Pathfinder: Sanitation Markets

    This pathfinder paper was commissioned by SHARE to provide a basis for future research on sanitation economics, defined as the application of economic concepts, approaches and tools to the sanitation sector. Specifically, it investigated how...

  3. Om's Food Hygiene Intervention- January 2013

    What have I been up to?

    In my first blog post, I gave an overview of my PhD research and mentioned that I was soon to be embarking on...

  4. The Effect of Improved Rural Sanitation on Diarrhoea and Helminth Infection: Design of a Cluster Randomized Trial in Orissa, India

    This paper by Clasen et al. (2012), published in Emerging Themes in Epidemiology describes the design of a village-level cluster-randomised trial in the state of Orissa, India to evaluate the impact of an ongoing rural...

  5. Using Existing Data Sets to Evaluate Equity in WASH: Combining GLAAS and JMP Data

    This presentation was delivered by Jeanne Luh of University of North Carolina during a SHARE-convened side event on Equity at the 2012 UNC Water and Health Conference (29th Oct - 2nd Nov).


  6. Research Summary: Making WASH Inclusive in Uganda and Zambia

    This Research Summary provides an overview of the baseline findings from the SHARE-funded Undoing Inequity project, conducted by WaterAid, WEDC and LCD.

  7. Equity is Where the Smart Money Is

    This presentation was delivered by Oliver Cumming, LSHTM, during a SHARE-convened side event on Equity at the 2012 UNC Water and Health Conference (29th Oct - 2nd Nov).

  8. Different Manifestations of Inequality in Access to Water and Sanitation

    This presentation was delivered by Rolf Luyendijk of UNICEF during a SHARE-convened side event at the 2012 UNC Water and Health Conference (29th Oct - 2nd Nov).

  9. Building a System to Deliver: The Contribution of GLAAS

    This presentation, delivered by Sue Cavill of WHO at a SHARE co-convened side event on Equity at the 2012 UNC Water & Health Conference (29th Oct to 2nd Nov), summarises the contribution of GLAAS to the WASH sector. It specifically focuses on...

  10. Sanitation and Violence Against Women

    This presentation was delivered by Oliver Cumming of LSHTM during a SHARE-convened side event on Violence Against Women at the 2012 UNC Water and Health Conference (29th Oct - 2nd Nov).