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  1. Om's Food Hygiene Intervention- October 2012

    This blog is the first in a series which will track SHARE PhD student Om Prasad Gautam's progress during his study into a food hygiene intervention to improve food...

  2. Productive School Sanitation in Mzuzu Urban and Mzimba North

    This presentation on a pilot of an holistic approach to WASH in schools which encompasses consideration of MHM was delivered by...

  3. Sanitary Pad Making and School Absenteeism

    This presentation on a Forum for African Women Educationalists in Malawi iniatitive was delivered at a ground-breaking meeting on MHM held on 19th September 2012 in Malawi. The first of its...

  4. Toilets Are Not Enough

    This presentation on research conducted into the menstrual hygiene experiences and needs of secondary school girls in Malawi was delivered by consultant Sally Piper Pillitteri (consultant) at a ground-breaking meeting on...

  5. Why Menstrual Hygiene Management?

    A ground-breaking meeting on 19th September 2012 was the first of its kind to discuss MHM in Malawi. Convened by WaterAid Malawi, with co-funding from SHARE, the meeting was opened by Silas Jeke, Deputy Director of Gender in the Ministry of...

  6. Annual Report 2011-2012

    This report provides a comprehensive overview of SHARE's work from August 2011 to July 2012.

    This year marks the mid-point in programme activities of the SHARE consortium. In the past year, we have initiated significant research projects...

  7. Outcome and Impact Monitoring for Scaling Up Mtumba Sanitation and Hygiene Participatory Approach in Tanzania

    The Mtumba approach is a sanitation and hygiene participatory approach which was developed in Tanzania using elements of PHAST, CLTS and PRA tools. This SHARE-funded evaluation, authored by the Tanzanian National Institute for Medical Research (...

  8. Interim Evaluation of a Large Scale WASH Improvement Programme on Childhood Diarrhea and Respiratory Disease in Rural Bangladesh

    Started in 2007, the Sanitation Hygiene Education and Water Supply in Bangladesh (SHEWA-B) project aims to improve the WASH supply for 20 million people in Bangladesh, and thus reduce disease among this population. This paper by Huda et al...

  9. WASH Writing Course- Participants' Materials

    These learning materials accompanied a two-day SHARE-funded workshop in July 2012 entitled "Improving documentation in the WASH sector for policy, programmes and publication...

  10. Research and Evidence: a Method Review

    This Event Report summarises the proceedings of a workshop that SHARE partner WaterAid hosted with the Institute of Development Studies (Sussex), UNC and LSHTM in December 2011. It brought...