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  1. Making WASH Inclusive: Research in Uganda and Zambia

    This presentation, delivered by Spera Atuhairwe at a SHARE co-convened side event on Making WASH Inclusive at the 2012 UNC Water & Health Conference (29th Oct to 2nd Nov), summarises the baseline findings of the...

  2. How a Lack of Safe Toilets Threatens to Increase Violence Against Women in Slums

    This presentation was delivered by Spera Atuhairwe of WaterAid Ethiopia during a SHARE-convened side event on Violence Against Women at the 2012 UNC Water and Health Conference (29th Oct - 2nd Nov).

  3. Menstrual Hygiene Matters

    The SHARE-funded manual aims to address the knowledge gaps related to menstrual hygiene, and help break down the taboos which prevent women and girls from talking openly about the subject. The manual brings together examples of good menstrual...

  4. Investigating the Psychological Determinants of Habit Formation

    In this video, Gaby Judah, a PhD student at LSHTM, discusses the psychological determinants of habit formation using the example of a flossing habit.



  5. Is Diarrhoea Mainly Water Borne or Water Washed?

    In this video, hear from Professor Sandy Cairncross talking about the surprising science behind whether diarrhoea is water borne or water washed.

    This resource is reproduced...

  6. Hygiene Wired Study: Screening of Interventions for Handwashing with Soap

    In this video, hear from Gaby Judah, PhD student at LSHTM, explain a study she undertook exploring the motivators of handwashing behaviours in a UK motorway service station's toilets. 



  7. What Drives Handwashing Behaviour?

    In this video, Dr Valerie Curtis, Director of the Hygiene Centre at LSHTM, discusses what drives us to wash our hands with soap.



  8. Menstrual Hygiene: Breaking the Silence

    In this podcast, hear from Dr Belen Torondel and Aurelie Jeandron, both of LSHTM, discuss how SHARE is raising awareness about a neglected but vital issue for health, dignity and female education: menstruation. They also reflect on their...

  9. Can Vaccination Be Used As An Entry Point for Hygiene Promotion?

    In this video, hear from Katie Greenland, Research Fellow at LSHTM, discuss WaterAid and SHARE-funded research that explored the feasibility of integrating hygiene promotion with vaccination campaigns in Nepal.



  10. Food Hygiene: Why This Matters

    In this video, Om Prasad Gautam, a SHARE PhD student, discusses the importance of food hygiene in Nepal.

    This resource is reproduced from the Hygiene Centre within SHARE partner organisation the London School of Hygiene & Tropical...