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  1. Small Scale Finance for Sanitation and Water

    In this video, Sophie Tremolet, author of a new research paper published jointly by SHARE and the EU Water Initiative Finance Working Group,...

  2. Background Paper on Measuring WASH and Food Hygiene Practices- Definition of Goals to be Tackled Post 2015 by the Joint Monitoring Programme

    In light of ongoing talks on post-2015 development goals, in 2013, this paper was prepared by a team from LSHTM, the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre and ICDDR,B. Commissioned by USAID, the paper...

  3. HR Capacity and Costs of Scaling Up Sanitation and Hygiene in Tanzania: Findings & Recommendations

    This presentation outlines the main findings and recommendations arising from a study into human resource capacity and costs of scaling up sanitation and hygiene programmes in Tanzania. It was delivered at a Stakeholders Workshop that was held in...

  4. Small-Scale Finance for Water and Sanitation

    This report identifies ways in which governments and External Support Agencies can increase access to finance for small-scale WATSAN providers, by channelling public funding to support the market and leverage private sector financing. The...

  5. Exploration des Inégalités de la Morbidité Liée à l'Assainissement et Estimation de l'Impact Potentiel des Politiques Orientées Prioritairement Vers les Pauvres

    New research from LSHTM and the University of Florida shows the poorest are suffering the most from inadequate sanitation as they are more exposed to human waste and are more susceptible to disease. The...

  6. Fear and Anger: Perceptions of Risks Related to Sexual Violence against Women Linked to Water and Sanitation in Delhi, India

    The link between a lack of access to water and sanitation facilities and sexual violence against women is not well known and to date has received insufficient attention. This briefing note summarises Shirley Lennon’s dissertation for a Master’s...

  7. Insecurity and Shame: Exploration of the Impact of the Lack of Sanitation on Women in the Slums of Kampala, Uganda

    This qualitative study, conducted in Uganda's capital city, Kampala, explores whether women are exposed to humiliation, violence and rape as a result of inadequate toilet facilities. This briefing note summarises Keren Massey's dissertation for a...

  8. Exploring Inequities in Sanitation-Related Disease Burden and Estimating the Potential Impacts of Pro-Poor Targeting

    New research from LSHTM and the University of Florida shows the poorest are suffering the most from inadequate sanitation as they are more exposed to human waste and are more susceptible to disease. The...

  9. Estimating Inequities in Sanitation-Related Disease Burden and Estimating the Potential Impacts of Pro-Poor Targeting

    New research shows the poorest are suffering the most from inadequate sanitation as they are more exposed to human waste and are more susceptible to disease. This report summarises a study that built on this work and used existing household...

  10. School Menstrual Hygiene Management in Malawi: More Than Toilets

    This report summarises the findings of a study exploring the needs and experiences of girls regarding menstruation. It draws upon participatory group workshops, a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews with school-age girls in Malawi to...