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  1. Investigating Sanitation, Health and Food Hygiene in Nepal

    In this podcast, conducted as part of SOAS Radio's 'Sanitation Matters' series, SHARE-funded PhD student, Om Prasad Gautam, analyses the situation in his homeland, including opportunities to address WASH challenges. He draws on his experiences...

  2. Mozambique and Beyond: Insights from a Career at the Forefront of Sanitation

    In this latest podcast in the Sanitation Matters series, Professor Sandy Cairncross, SHARE Research Director, explains the work behind some of his major achievements and his thoughts on...

  3. Bacterial Recontamination After Handwashing in Rural India

    In this video Carol Devamani describes her study of bacterial recontamination after handwashing with soap. The findings from her research project - conducted as part of her studies at LSHTM - show that rural India is a highly contaminated...

  4. Evaluating the Health Impact of Urban WASH Programmes: An Affordable Approach for Enhancing Effectiveness

    This discussion paper, co-produced by Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) and SHARE, argues for more widespread evaluation of the health impacts of WASH interventions, and suggests more frequent evaluation could contribute to...

  5. Handwashing With Soap Guidelines

    This four-page guidance note, produced by SHARE and LSHTM, explains the benefits of handwashing with soap, highlights when it has the most significant public health impact, and provides tips on how to encourage the practice.

  6. Pathfinder: Equity and Gender

    This pathfinder paper was commissioned by SHARE to provide a basis for future research on equitable access to sanitation and hygiene. It reviews concepts of inequality and inequity, and discusses their significance to issues related to access to...

  7. Monitoring Urban Sanitation: Old Challenges and New Approaches

    This briefing note summarises the discussions at a 2011 SHARE and WaterAid convened workshop on improving the monitoring of sanitation in urban areas. Participants agreed research priorities should include asking slum communities about their...

  8. Pathfinder: Urban sanitation

    This pathfinder paper was commissioned by SHARE to provide a basis for future research on urban sanitation in developing countries. It discusses the challenges of urban sanitation in developing countries and suggests actions to improve policy and...

  9. Women, WASH and Health in Rural Pune

    This RIU Summary outlines research that will be undertaken by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute and the Vadu Rural Health Programme at the KEM Hospital Research Centre, India. The study will explore the nature and level of stress...

  10. Roundtable on Bridging Health & Hygiene

    In October 2011, SHARE, ICDDR,B and WaterAid co-convened a roundtable meeting in Dhaka, Bangladesh, which brought together health experts from the country to discuss how to imrove hygiene in the country. Their opinions were captured in a special...