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  1. Sanitation Challenges: Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene, 2011

    In October 2011, WSSCC hosted  Global Forum on Sanitation and Hygiene to share ideas on leadership, skills, knowledge, behaviour change and actions that can improve the lives of the 2.6 billion people in the world without safe sanitation and...

  2. Global Handwashing Day 2011: Handwashing Demonstration and Interview

    This video was produced for Global Handwashing Day 2011 and features one of the founders of the Day, Camile Saade, explaining more about the Day, how handwashing improves health,...

  3. Improving Sanitation and Hygiene for the Excluded

    In this video Shamim Ahmed of WaterAid Bangladesh talks about tea garden workers in Bangladesh and efforts to improve their access to sanitation and hygiene. He also mentions a 2013 policy-oriented roundtable co-organised with SHARE to address...

  4. Researching Sanitation Solutions in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

    In this video, Tim Ndezi of the Centre for Community Initiatives (an IIED/SDI partner) discusses SHARE-funded action-research investigating factors affecting sanitation demand in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and solutions that can be employed to...

  5. Clean Toilets Transform Lives in Dhaka Slum, Bangladesh

    Lives are being transformed in a Dhaka slum, Bangladesh, thanks to the construction of clean toilet blocks and water points. Sonia Afrin, from CARE Bangladesh and Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor, talks about the impact of the new...

  6. Stockholm World Water Week 2011

    SHARE co-convened two sessions on urban sanitation and small-scale finance for sanitation at Stockholm World Water Week 2011, the theme of which was urbanisation. This video includes short interviews with leading figures working on these issues...

  7. Slum Life: Improving Sanitation Through Community Action

    In this podcast, hear Sheela Patel, chair of SHARE-partner Shack/Slum Dwellers International, discuss how public toilets are at the heart of slum upgrading and ...

  8. SHARE Research in Bangladesh

    This briefing note summarises SHARE's work in Bangladesh, one of SHARE's four focus countries and the site of much ongoing research, to date (2012).
  9. SHARE Research in India

    This briefing note summarises SHARE's work in India, one of SHARE's four focus countries and the site of much ongoing research, to date (2012).

  10. SHARE Research in Malawi

    This briefing note summarises SHARE's work in Malawi, one of SHARE's four focus countries and the site of much ongoing research, to date (2012).