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Search results
Assessing the Effectiveness of Improved Rural Sanitation on Diarrhoea and Intestinal Nematodes Infections
This RIU Summary outlines a cluster-randomised, controlled trial to be undertaken by LSHTM and WaterAid to assess the impact of the construction and use of latrines in rural settings on diarrhoeal disease, intestinal nematodes infections and...
Weaning Food Hygiene in Bangladesh
This RIU summary outlines the national and global relevance of this research project investigating whether hygiene promotion is effective in reducing weaning food contamination in Bangladesh and SHARE's plans for research uptake.
Hygiene Promotion Resource- Choose Soap
The RIU Summary provides an overview of the objectives and intended RIU impact of the SHARE-commissioned Choose Soap toolkit. The toolkit will be produced to provide a blueprint of activities that can be used by practitioners in India to...
Toilets for All: Why and How Facilities Must be Improved for Disabled People Worldwide
Around 10% per cent of the world’s population is disabled, yet few researchers and interventions address improving access to toilets for this marginalised group. SHARE, WaterAid and the Leonard Cheshire Disability...
Exploring the Potential for Microfinance in Sanitation
This RIU Summary outlines research to be undertaken by LSHTM to investigate how microfinance can be used effectively to increase financing for sanitation facilities and services. The report that will be produced is intended to inform a research...
Urban Sanitation: Assessing the Problems and Suggesting Solutions
In this podcast, hear from Dr Martin Mulenga, a senior researcher at SHARE-partner IIED, discuss the problems and successful sanitation projects he has seen in informal settlements across the globe. He also talks about his involvement in SHARE...
Eyewitness Bangladesh: Sanitation and Hygiene Challenges and Solutions
Home to 159 million people, low-lying Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated and least developed countries on earth. 39% of its ...
Disability Workshop
This briefing note explores the sanitation and hygiene needs of disabled people in developing countries. Based on a two-day workshop held in March 2011, it also suggests how better research could influence policy.
Ecological Sanitation in Malawi
This RIU Summary outlines a study to be undertaken by WaterAid, ICDDR,B and LSHTM to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of EcoSan in urban and rural areas in Malawi.
Outcome and Impact Monitoring for Scaling Up Mtumba
This RIU Summary outlines a study to be undertaken by WaterAid, ICDDR,B and LSHTM to monitor the outcomes and impacts of the Mtumba participatory approach to sanitation and hygiene implemented in Tanzania. The study seeks to shed light on the...