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  1. Sanitation Mapper

    This RIU Summary outlines research that will be undertaken by WaterAid to develop a low cost and participatory online sanitation monitoring tool, to be known as the Sanitation Mapper. The tool will be aimed at district and sub district level ...

  2. Human Resource Capacity and Costs of Scaling-Up Sanitation and Hygiene in Tanzania

    This RIU Summary outlines research to be undertaken by WaterAid to assess two key areas determining the success of the NCSH, namely human resources and financing. The study's findings are...

  3. SHARE Research in Tanzania

    This briefing note summarises SHARE's work in Tanzania, one of SHARE's four focus countries and the site of much ongoing research, to date (2012).

  4. Roundtable Meeting on Sanitation and Hygiene for Disabled People

    This RIU Summary outlines the salience of a two-day SHARE-led meeting held in London in March 2011 to explore sanitation and hygiene issues for disabled people in low- and middle-income countries.

  5. Synthesising Existing Knowledge on Menstrual Hygiene Management

    This RIU Summary outlines research that will be undertaken by WaterAid and LSHTM to highlight successful approaches to MHM in developing countries and to better understand the impact of general menstrual hygiene practices on health and education...

  6. Microfinance for Sanitation: Evaluating Experiences, Learning the Lessons

    This RIU Summary outlines research that aims to investigate how household financing for sanitation could be mobilised via microfinance in order to accelerate sustainable access to sanitation. It will draw on examples of existing microfinance ...

  7. Zimbabwe: The Clean and Revolutionary VIP Latrine

    The odourless and hygienic Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine has improved the lives of tens of millions of Africans. In this podcast, Dr Peter Morga, a pioneer in the WASH ...

  8. Factors Influencing Latrine Hygiene in Tanzania

    This RIU Summary outlines a study LSHTM will be undertaking to identify the key environmental, design and usage factors that make a latrine unhygienic. The aim being to develop a hygiene scale that can better inform the classification of improved...

  9. Faecal Contamination of Commuters' Hands

    This RIU Summary provides an overview of a study seeking to provide information about the levels of faecal contamination of commuters’ hands in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Through so doing, it hopes to forming the basis for an awareness raising and...

  10. Annual Report 2010-2011

    SHARE came into being in January 2010. Its Inception Period, nominally six months, was extended by agreement with DFID and the Inception Report was finally agreed at the end of the first year. This, the first Annual Report of the consortium,...