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Search results
Testing Alternative ‘Best Practice’ Handwashing Interventions
This RIU Summary outlines a study that will be conducted by SHARE partner LSHTM to generate evidence on the effectiveness of interventions in increasing handwashing with soap in a small-scale, field-based experiment in India.
Menstrual Hygiene Management
This RIU Summary outlines the salience of a two-day roundtable meeting held by SHARE in London in November 2010 to address the much neglected issue of MHM.
Systematic Review of WASH Interventions and Childhood Nutrition
This RIU Summary outlines research that will be conducted by LSHTM and WaterAid to systematically evaluate, for the first time, the strength of evidence linking WASH interventions with childhood nutritional status. The study will produce both a...
Gender and Sanitation in Namibia
This RIU Summary outlines a study undertaken by SHARE partners, SDI and IIED, to provide information about the influence of gender and age upon community decision-making within the SDFN and...
Improving the Performance of Communal Latrines in Achieving Safe Faeces Disposal in Urban Poverty Pockets
This RIU Summary outlines research that will be undertaken by LSHTM, WaterAid and SDI to better understand the factors that determine where people choose to defecate and what would make communal facilities attractive options for those living in...
Communal Latrine Use- India
This RIU Summary outlines research that will be undertaken by LSHTM to better understand user characteristics and attitudes towards communal sanitation in urban slums in India. In drawing out the key factors associated with levels of use and user...
Roundtable on Data Available for Monitoring Access to Sanitation in Slums
This RIU Summary outlines the salience of a WaterAid-led roundtable held in London in 2012 to highlight the issues surrounding the monitoring of sanitation progress in urban area slums.
Assessing Demand for Scaling Up Sanitation in Tanzania
This RIU Summary outlines research that will be undertaken by SHARE partners SDI and IIED aiming to provide a better understanding of how demand for sanitation among the urban poor could be assessed with a view to improving sanitation in informal...
Sanitation Conditions in Dar es Salaam
This RIU Summary outlines analysis that will be undertaken by the University of California Davis and LSHTM to quantitatively characterise existing household sanitation conditions, problems, practices, and perceptions related to on-site sanitation...
Demand for Pit-Emptying in Tanzania
This RIU Summary outlines research that will be undertaken by the Unicersity of California Davis and LSHTM to explore the pit latrine emptying practices of and demand for fecal sludge management (FSM) services amongst unplanned communities in Dar...